Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Continuing Construction . . . .

 As we mentioned on an earlier post we are in the process of re-modeling most of our basement.  This includes replacing two of the old windows with fire escape windows and sealing off the other four.  After tearing everything out came the fun part, cutting the hole for the new windows.
As you can see the saw was about 2 to 3 feet in diameter.

In this picture you can see the finished window on the right and one
of the sealed in windows on the left.
This is the finished window with the escape window well
steps in the background.

 Once we finish wiring all of the electricity we can finally start sheet rocking! Stay tuned....

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Remember This

When we lose someone from this world, we should be thankful for the time that we spent with the ones we loved, and not sad for the time that we didn’t.
My wonderful grandparents. Miss them dearly.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

2011 Flashback

Matt and Jenny riding the Big Shot at the Stratosphere
Two thousand-eleven was an eventful year. We started out the year going on a trip with close friends to Las Vegas. We couldn't have asked for a better trip, especially coming home winners.

Matt and Jenny with the Batman's
at the Rehearsal Dinner.

In May, we made a trip to Houston, Texas to attend Matt's cousins wedding. The wedding was beautiful, food was great, and spending time with family was even better.

KLA Environmental's Website

Jenny designed and completed her second website. She had the opportunity to recreate KLA Environmental Services, Inc. website and completed it in August. Go check it out at www.klaenviro.com.

At the top of  Mount Hermit
Also in August we traveled to The Great Sand Dunes in Colorado. We camped the first evening, hiked to the top of high dune, and drove through Medano Pass. We ended our vacation riding to the top of Mount Hermit on an ATV. 

Garth's guitar

For our anniversary we took another trip to Las Vegas to see Garth Brooks. Little did we know this would be a trip of a life time. We were offered a luxory suite to stay in, won big on a slot machine, and got to sit in the front row, center stage at the Garth Brooks concert.

 And finally, we ended the year changing the look of our home. We ordered brick stain from DyeBrick.com. One stroke at a time and 15 hours later we had stained each brick individually and transformed our home!


Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year = New Projects

Last year we began by tearing out about 1/4th of the basement walls, ceiling, flooring etc. and remodeled the bathroom.....
We finished everything except the trim around the walls and doors over Memorial Day Weekend.

Today brings both a new year and a new project...Fire Escape Windows, Load Bearing Beams, and big open spaces.
This is the Load Bearing Beam we constructed 12/31/2011 to make the doorway into the living room more than 6' wide.
This is the living room area pictured from the new doorway above.
This will be our bedroom once again after all the remodeling is over!