Friday, April 25, 2014

It's a Girl!

Baylee Kay Long

April 14, 2014
12:07 pm
7 lbs 6.5 oz
19.5 inches long

It's a girl the doctor said after 11 hours of labor. Matt and I were both surprised as we had decided it was a boy months a go. We couldn't be happier though with our little Easter Blessing! We have had several visitors and most have brought us meals which have been very helpful. Not having to cook has allowed us to catch a few zzz's! Baylee is more than what Matt and I had ever dreamed and we look forward to watching her grow in to a beautiful lady.

First Family Photo
Grandma and Grandpa Long
Dr. Heskett and Baylee
Leaving the hospital supporting our Wildcats!
Grandma and Grandpa Combes
Great Grandma Gloria

Big Yawn!
Yawns eventually turn into this . . .