Sunday, March 11, 2012

AR - 10

On February 18, 2012 we attended the Extreme Fowl banquet, similar to a Pheasants Forever banquet. We have been supporting this group for the past three years going to their event and donating money to their cause of getting youth involved in the outdoors. When we arrived, we did we what we normally do, we bought general raffle tickets and walked around the building checking out all the prizes that you could win. As we were walking around the room for the second time Matt and I were debating what we should do with the remaining $20 we planned to spend on the raffles. We then came up to the AR - 10 table. The raffle was called "pluck a duck" where you would pull a ticket out of a duck decoy. The dollar amount written on that ticket was the cost you paid for the ticket. We pulled a ticket, "BONUS" it said. We had won a free ticket plus a small gift of our liking. Since the duck only had 100 tickets we decided we would draw again to increase our odds of winning. The second ticket cost us $19.25. 

We enjoyed the rest of the evening, eating supper and socializing with friends. As the evening was coming to a close they started drawing for all the raffle prizes. It didn't take long and we were still empty handed. The last gun to be drawn was the AR-10. They started calling off the numbers and we both were looking anxiously at our tickets. 3-2-6 they called. It seemed liked forever and then they followed with 0-------------0-------------2. We had just won!! Matt grabbed the ticket, stood up, and showed his excitement.

Over the past year, Matt and I have been extremely lucky. The one thing that we have learned from this is, "we only win when we do things together". I guess we'll keep each other around. =)

1 comment:

  1. I read this to Doug and we couldn't stop laughing because we already guessed that you would probably win, before we even knew the end of the story!

    Doug wanted to know if Matt was going to trade that in for cash value or invade Belize :)

    I still can't believe how lucky you guys are! Oh, and I really liked your last paragraph :) Well put.

